My inaugural post coincides with the infancy of my interest in homebrewing. Foregoing blank page syndrome, I’ll just jump right in and describe how that came about…
The other day I had A New Economy playing in the background on Netflix while I was working. It features several disparate companies united by their common goal of a more cooperative economic future. A hotel, an urban farm, a brew pub and something to do with lasers, among others. Worth a watch, if you’ve already finished Ozark.
Take a look:
Anyhow, one of the guys from the London Brewing Co-Op was describing how he got started and casually mentioned that he was given a copy of Charlie Papazian’s The Complete Joy of Home Brewing that lead him to quit his job and “relax and have a homebrew”. This is probably not news to anyone else but me, but Papazian is a rockstar in the world of home brewing. He literally wrote the book, and this is it.
So, I went out and bought it, and now I’m like 20 pages into it. Right at the ‘Getting your Homebrewery Together’ part. So the next step I guess is acquiring everything I need to make my first batch of beer.
To be continued…
image credit: Quinn Dombrowski